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At SANA Physiotherapy we understand that convenience and accessibility are vital when it comes to receiving quality healthcare. That’s why we are proud to offer Telehealth Physiotherapy services, bringing expert care and guidance right to the comfort of your own home. With our innovative approach, you can now receive personalised physiotherapy treatment without leaving your doorstep.

What is Telehealth Physiotherapy?

Telehealth Physiotherapy is a cutting-edge service that utilises technology to connect you with our experienced physiotherapists remotely. Through secure video conferencing platforms, we can provide a wide range of physiotherapy services, ensuring you receive the care you need, no matter your location. 

The Benefits of Telehealth Physiotherapy


Say goodbye to long commutes and waiting rooms. With Telehealth Physiotherapy, you can receive expert care from the comfort of your own home or office. Our virtual appointments are flexible, saving you time and making it easier to fit physiotherapy into your busy schedule.


Whether you live in a remote area, have mobility limitations, or simply prefer the convenience of remote consultations, Telehealth Physiotherapy breaks down barriers to access. You can connect with our highly skilled physiotherapists regardless of your location, bringing quality care right to your fingertips.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Our dedicated physiotherapists will conduct a thorough assessment during your virtual session, just as they would in an in-person visit. By discussing your symptoms, medical history, and goals, we’ll develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. We’ll guide you through exercises, self-management techniques, and lifestyle modifications to support your recovery and improve your overall well-being.

Continuity of Care

If you’ve already been receiving in-person physiotherapy at our clinic, Telehealth Physiotherapy allows for seamless continuity of care. Even when you can’t make it to the clinic, we can continue monitoring your progress, providing guidance, and adjusting your treatment plan as needed. 

Our Telehealth Physiotherapy Services

Virtual Assessments

Through comprehensive video consultations, our physiotherapists will evaluate your condition, discuss your symptoms, and perform functional assessments to diagnose and understand your unique needs.

Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation

We will guide you through therapeutic exercises tailored to your condition and goals. With clear demonstrations and real-time feedback, you’ll receive expert guidance to ensure proper form and optimise your recovery.

Pain Management

Our physiotherapists will provide strategies and techniques to manage your pain effectively, including self-massage, stretching, and relaxation exercises. We’ll empower you to take control of your pain and improve your quality of life.

Education and Self-Management

We believe in equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary for long-term self-management. Our physiotherapists will educate you about your condition, prevention strategies, and lifestyle modifications to support your healing journey. 

Getting Started

Embarking on your Telehealth Physiotherapy journey is simple. Contact us today to schedule your virtual appointment. Our friendly team will guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you have a smooth and successful experience.

Take the next step towards your well-being and convenience. Choose Telehealth Physiotherapy from SANA Physiotherapy and experience the benefits of expert care delivered directly to you. Don’t let distance or time constraints hinder your path to recovery. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Please note that Telehealth Physiotherapy services may not be suitable for all conditions. Our team will assess your specific needs to determine if virtual consultations are appropriate for you.